Power outage in 79650 Schopfheim

Is the power out in Schopfheim? You can use our map to quickly and easily check whether there is a power outage

The responsible electricity network operator and contact person in the event of disruptions is naturenergie netze.

There are currently no reported power outage reports from the network operator or users in Schopfheim.

Power outages are sudden and rare events. As a result, the people affected are usually unprepared. They do not know who to contact in the event of a power outage: the electricity distribution grid operator. In 79650 Schopfheim this is naturenergie netze. The operator is obliged to provide a hotline staffed around the clock, which you can use to report faults.

The hotline number to report faults is: 07623 92-1818

Of course, it can happen that these hotlines are overloaded. Not so with us: Störungsauskunft.de allows you to report power outages quickly and easily digitally. If a fault has already been reported by the grid operator, you no longer need to do this. They will already know about it and will take care of rectifying it!

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Here you come to the start pages of the respective types of disturbance:

District heating
Street lighting

Current outages

Dortmund44137 DortmundPostalcode 44137
Ohrdruf99887 OhrdrufPostalcode 99887